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Does Calgary's sliding scale fare really help?

How two sources of data tell the same great story

5 priorities set by the City fo Calgary with statistics
United Way compares city survey to Fair Fares postcard campaign with similar results

Citizen Priorities

Calgary has 5 citizen priorities for the 2019-2022 'One Calgary' budget. Part of the City's role is to also determine if investing in a sliding scale is a good idea.

Over the summer of 2018 the City of Calgary surveyed Calgarians who used the discounted monthly transit passes. At the same time, Fair Fares collected over 200 stories about how people use the pass.

These results were then shared at City Council in November 2019.

The measurable results? Yes! A sliding scale really helps Calgarians!

The results are almost identical. A sliding scale has a positive impact on all 5 citizen priorities.

The story and survey results show a sliding scale truly reflects what Calgarians want for our City and how the City will sets its budget for the next four years:

  • The sliding scale enables people to find and keep jobs - A prosperous City

  • The sliding scale is utilized by all regions of the city - A City of Safe and Inspiring Neighbourhoods

  • The Sliding scale gets people where they need to go easier - A City that Moves

  • The sliding scale supports healthy and active lifestyles - A Healthy & Green City

  • The sliding scale secretes the rate of transit fines, lowering costly administrative impact - A Well Run City

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